Welcome 浙江远大国际会展香港有限公司

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As the following spirits indicated by the Department of Commerce of Heilongjiang Province: putting brand above everything else; establishing the enterprise as the main body; running and operating on a market basis; pushing and encouraging with the aid of government; stressing on practical results; dealing the easy things before difficult ones; implementing projects gradually, the Hong Kong airport program, being the initial program of “China Heilongjiang Brands” entering airports outside mainland China, with a resolution to bring “China Heilongjiang Brands” to international higher-end markets, in addition, to expand international higher-end distribution channel.

This program is jointly promoted and implemented on a tripartite mode, namely the government’s guide and support, the third-party management, and the self operation by sellers settled there.

For the normal functioning of the program and the stipulation of Hong Kong Law, Broad Expo company, as the third-party administrative organ, established Heilongjiang Broad International Convention & Exhibition Hong Kong Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Broad Expo Hong Kong company) in November 2013. The Broad Expo Hong Kong company is in charge of concrete operations, including the preceding coordination, contract signing, design and decoration of the shops and the shops supervision afterwards

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