歡迎來到 Garena

Garena 台灣競舞娛樂,成立於 2010 年,以成為全方位線上遊戲服務公司為目標,致力於提供給玩家一個切磋實力、尋找戰友、進行賽事的連線對戰平台,期許成為推動台灣電子競技發展的第一品牌。 Garena 旗下營運的競時通平台 《Garena Plus》 是台灣最流行的網路遊戲即時通訊和社交平台,在台灣擁有超過百萬的活躍用戶,並擁有出眾活動組織能力與強大的遊戲推廣及媒體宣傳能力。

Garena started from an E-Sports community and leveled up its exposure by creating “Garena+" social platform and introducing latest premium online games including League of Legends and etc. Our company is a fine stadium/playground with a unique, dynamic, and friendly culture. It is relatively young and new in organization lifecycle. We have practices in Asia Pacific area: Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia; and we have talents around the world coming, joining, and working together.


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